Spring 2014

Spring and autumn are two seasons which the BBM Crew can never fully figure out. Temperature and weather-wise their differences between winter and summer can be negligible on some days. Nonetheless BBM tries to get Pinkxi to make a note of the blooming of flowers, lush leaves and birds chirping whenever spring arrives.

This spring, the crew spent a great deal of time travelling. Part of which was in Singapore where the critters met up with their folks and attended a very special wedding. The crew also seized the opportunity to check out some of the local tourist attractions whenever they get back to Singapore. It never ceases to amaze BBM how much and how fast the island changes. Amongst the places they saw were the Trick Eye Museum and the Singapore Zoological Gardens. If you like posing with strategically staged props and take ‘out-of-this-world’ (read: optical illusions) photos, then Trick Eye Museum will not disappoint.

Vroom vroom vroom! Pinkxi giving Big Bad Wolf a run for his money at the Trick Eye Museum!

The zoo was perhaps better received by the crew. It had certainly been a while since BBM was last there. Some of the animals were allowed to be more interactive with the visitors. The crew caught the various animal feeding times and also the animal shows. Pinkxi was certainly very impressed with what the elephants (seen below taking a dip) can do but she wasn’t quite sure what to make of the rather lonely polar bear that swam lap after lap in his pool.


Couldn’t tell what are those pointy stuff you find in caves? The crew made a trip to the Buchan Caves in Gippsland this spring too! & BBM was quite proud that Pinkxi remembered her stalactites from her stalagmites. Unlike some caves that the crew had been before, the Buchan caves allowed visitors to be very very close to these natural beauties. Imagine, stalactites/stalagmites take an average of 150 years to grow 2 cm!  The BBM Crew was simply blown away by the caves and the mindblowing geological features one can find in these caves!

The Crew checks out the Buchan Caves Reserve!

Looking back, the past couple of months certainly was pretty eventful and Pinkxi had lots of fun during the relatively warmer days. The crew did their spring markets rounds too and there were some pretty good days in terms of weather and sales. BBM was just glad that daylight was getting longer by the day and prayed that the heat will be bearable when summer arrives.

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