Eggtray Laptop

BigBrownMonster is guilty of surrounding kiddo with technology. She’s grown up knowing how to navigate on his iPhone and having ‘skype’ in her lexicon. She’s now more eloquent and is able to associate visual items with past experiences, so this timely toy allows her to enjoy some make-believe skype with the grands.

EggTray Laptop

All you need are 2 egg tray covers (for ‘ABC’ keyboard and screen), some ice cream sticks to attach cutouts of family members, cards to draw/stick pictures of objects that you reckon may help trigger conversations and sticky tack for attaching objects onto ‘screen’.

Kiddo can insert family members into 2 slots on sides of the laptop (think conference call) and decide a max of 6 objects that he/she wants to talk about for her ‘skype session’. Try to get them to talk about all the chosen objects (parents can help string them into a ‘conversation’ topic) before changing persons/objects.
You can fiddle with the ice cream sticks from the back to make the persons on sticks bob up and down too.

EggTray Laptop

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