DIY Toys
BigBrownMonster loves paper and cardboard. They are everywhere, cost next to nothing & he has been playing and making stuff out of them for as long as he can remember. So when Pinkxi came along, he’s just too happy to make her toys out of these wonderful material.
Not everything here looks great. Many are raw and are just stuff put together in matter of minutes. Often than not, that’s pretty much what playtime at home is about. Feel free to be creative when trying out these DIY toy projects. Enjoy!
Stuff you can make FOR kids – toys that cost next to nothing
Stuff you can make WITH kids – fun craft activities with kids ages 2 and up
All projects designed by BigBrownMonster unless stated otherwise. Please feel free to share the projects and BigBrownMonster hopes to hear of other great ideas from you too!Blackmagic Design キャプチャーカード Intensity Shuttle fot Thunderbolt 001587
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